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Friday, 23 March 2018


Chives: Health benefits and uses

Chives are part of the allium family of vegetables and herbs. This family also includes garlic, scallions, onions and leeks. Allium vegetables have been cultivated for centuries for their characteristic, pungent flavors and for their medicinal properties.

This article is one of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular foods.
It provides information about the nutritional breakdown of chives, possible health benefits, and ways to incorporate them into the diet.

Nutritional breakdown of chives

Chives are a nutrient-dense food. This means they are low in calories but high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

One tablespoon containing 3 grams of chopped chives provides 1 calorie and less than 1 gram of fat, protein, or carbohydrate.

It provides 3 percent of the daily value of both vitamins A and C. One tablespoon contains 131 international units (IU) of vitamin A and 1.7 milligrams of vitamin C.

Health benefits

The nutrients in chives may offer a number of health benefits, including prevention of cancer and mood enhancement.


Researchers have studied allium vegetables extensively in relation to cancer, especially stomach and colorectal cancers. Their beneficial and preventative effects are likely due in part to their rich organosulfur compounds. The authors recommend consuming 10 or more servings of vegetables a day, including allium vegetables.

Bunch of chives

Chives are low in calories but high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Prostate cancer: In a study published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers investigated the relationship between allium vegetable intake and prostate cancer. 

Esophageal and stomach cancer:

 Frequent intake of allium vegetables, such as chives, appears to be linked to a lower risk of esophageal and stomach cancer. Studies in humans have suggested that alliums might protect against these types of cancer.

Sleep and mood: 

Chives contain choline. Choline is an important nutrient that helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. It also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation. 

In one study, rats that consumed 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight of quercetin-rich allium vegetable, onion, powder had increased dopaminergic activity. 

Bone health:

 Vitamin K is related to bone health, as it helps to maintain bone integrity and density. Chives contain vitamin K, so they may contribute to bone strength.

Folate also occurs in chives. Folate may help relieve depression by preventing an excess of homocysteine from forming in the body. Too much homocysteine can prevent blood and other nutrients from reaching the brain.

Getting chives into the diet

Chives pair well with many dishes, especially those with eggs and cheese such as omelets, scrambles, quiches and frittatas.

Omelet with chives

Chives pair well with many dishes, especially those with eggs and cheese such as omelets, scrambles, quiches and frittatas.

Chives add flavor to a dish without adding extra calories, fat or sodium.

Preparing chives

When preparing chives, use a sharp knife and cut gently. Using a dull knife or over-chopping will bruise the herb, and much of the flavor will be misplaced onto the cutting board surface.

Apart from egg and cheese dishes, chives go well with creamy vegetable dips and as a topping for soups and salads.

The flowers are also edible, and they can be used in salads.


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